Cityite: "Tut, Tut! Calm yourself my good man--this wasn't picked on your land!"

As we try to save them from themselves.... :)
Cold has come--bitter cold and frozen waterers already! (Except for the stock tank, it has a heater!) I have seen lots and lots of geese flying, too. Patrick and I saw a mess of them in a field on Monday. Part of the field was white and hundreds more were circling low to land. A neat sight, wish I would of had my camera!!
It has been a long week already. I got Jared a room reserved for Thanksgiving weekend (can't stay on the base) and am bummed he can't come home. I did send him the video game device he requested (I forgot what its called, Game Boy?? Its an older one......I can't keep 'em straight!!) along with a bunch of games, AND the charger. ;-) I had to send it to the motel because he still does not have an address!! Here is his "dressed up look" to go mingle and shop at a mall on Friday (he loves his bowties!!):

We also got news Tuesday (as we were trying to make some kind of travel arrangements for Jared to get home for Christmas) that he might get "orders" before Christmas and get shipped elsewhere. :( Oh joy, I don't want to buy plane/bus/whatever tickets and not have him even remotely near the starting point!! ACK! Plus he might not get his time off if he does go elsewhere. So now we play "the waiting game". (where's my grumpy-rolling-eyes smiley again??) I have requested time off work to drive and get him if needed. Might be a little hard if he ends up overseas!! :(
Things are interesting with having one vehicle for 3 people. Kyle has been riding the bus in the mornings, but usually has work or something after school so comes to my work and rides home with me.
I think the Chicken Hawk got my Buff Orphington hen. :( I had let them out Monday, and had to go to town. When I came back, she was laying in the trees, feathers all about. GRRRRR
So much for hatching some out come this spring! :( I will have to order some, or find someone who has some they are willing to part with.
Thanksgiving I worked and got to eat a (late but yummy!!) plate from the In-Laws. Patrick was busy Wednesday making his Pumpkin Pies, and Thursday morning made 40 (that meant 80 total!) Deviled Eggs to take. I can't believe he actually brought some back home, usually they are all gone. I asked him why, and he said: "That's because Casey (one of his nephews) wasn't there!!" HA
We will have our Thanksgiving on Monday when I have a day off and Kyle doesn't have to work.
I guess many got to talk to Casey and Jared via phone. I am hoping they both can make it for Christmas to the family gathering. That would be awesome!
Friday morning Kyle got Pat up early to go shopping. He knows better than to ask me, I ain't a-goin' out with the hoards: nope, no way!! Shopping isn't my forte' anyhow! (Unless its at the feedstore!) HA Pat likes to shop, so for years I've just given him a list of what I need. (It started out of necessity, he had the time, I didn't! And its just stuck!)
On Tuesday, a dear friend of many (milk cow folks) passed away. JerseyMike will be missed, and things like this make one reflect on them, and ones' self. It took a full day for it to sink in he was gone.....I was on autopilot helping others and answering questions and when things settled down, "it" started sinking in. Sigh. My heart goes out to Edith and family!