Kyle and Pat at a rest area on the way home.
(Yes, it was chilly and windy!)
Last week was a long week. Pat, Kyle's girlfriend and I trekked down to Ft. Leonard Wood (MO) for Family Day and Kyle's MP Graduation. It was 72*....and as the day wore on it poured rain and by the time we left the next day it was 42*. As we got closer to home, less rain, and more cold. Bah! At least we didn't get snow.....
Kyle has done lots since he's been home: he has a job already and is looking for an apartment. He's enrolled in college as well, so he has alot on his plate (plus Drills!). Good thing he is young and can keep up with the fast pace. ;-)
Jared and Chandra go in for their other ultrasound soon, hopefully baby will cooperate and not lay on it's belly so we can find out what it is! We sure miss them!
The critters are doing fine, but the calves have odd scours. It started with Red, now Fillet has it. I'm not sure if it's a "bug" or if its what they are eating (and tasting/testing everything!). I swear they are worse than little kids.....!! They act/eat/drink/play and nurse just fine and don't have temps. So I am taking a wait and see approach for now. Maybe it's what Daisy is eating--but nothing has changed in her diet, either.
Once again we have cold and possibly snow coming. "Cold and Blustery" has been in the forecast too much the past month for my liking!
The peach and apricot trees are blooming, the comfrey and rhubarb are coming up. The grapes are coming out of dormancy, and the gooseberries and raspberries have leaves.
And the garden has to wait even least another week. This spring has been crazy with the cool/cold/freezing temps. So I wait, none too patient, that is for sure.
I can't remember ever having to wait so long to put in the garden. I just have to roll with the weather....and gripe, but that's all the good it is going to do me! ;-)