Just something different for the upcoming Holiday!
We got .20 hundredths of rain Sunday morning, and then another .80 hundredths yesterday--it was a wicked looking storm coming in, but just wind and rain here. It made the cow lot area a muddy mess, but I'll deal with that to get the moisture!
And a cool-down, finally! I know it will be short lived, but no one (especially the critters) is complaining!
We have 4 ripe tomatoes; we've eaten two thus far. BLT's and in a salad. Ummm ummm good! I have lots of green ones.....with the cooler temps and rain(s) the garden will explode (along with the weeds, I'm sure!)
Got the bull calf Red banded the other day. I shouldn't have waited so long--had to stuff his nads around the band to get it high enough (but not too high--nor too low!). Pat actually 'did the deed' because I didn't want to 'stuff' things! I was afraid the band rolled up.....and worried about the brat all night.
First light, I go trucking out there, expecting a distressed calf and a blown-up nether-region.
Nope--he moo's and comes bouncing over to me, so much for my fretting! I did give him some Banamine on one side of his neck, and Tetanus Anti-toxin on the other side at 'banding time'. So that could of helped with his pain.
All is well with the critters, except Daisy is limping. She is definitely a "Dolly Jr."--I couldn't of asked for a better replacement for Dolly! :-) I knew something was up (red flags going off in my head) when she didn't want to get up Thursday morning. (She is a very agreeable sweet cow and usually I just have to wave or call her name and she comes).
As she was laying down cudding, (easier for her and me!); I cleaned out her back hooves, and poked, prodded, tapped and tugged, felt her hooves, checked her dew claws, checked in between her toes, felt all up her legs to her hips (while she was laying down and standing), and no flinching, swelling or any obvious injury.
I'm thinking she slipped in the mud and pulled a muscle. She is walking much better today than yesterday. (If not, I was going to call the vet to come look at her). So I'm taking the wait-and-see approach.
I managed to take a very ungraceful fall crossing the fence--of course right in front of Pat. My foot caught on the electric (unplugged) and I had Red's medicines in my hands. I knew if I went backwards, I'd impale my backside on a post, so down I went. I saved the medicines, but managed to pull muscles in my arm--the 'bad' one. I'm still sore, but not as bad as it was. So I guess Daisy and I will 'heal' at the same time!
Kyle got home OK from his training at Ft Riley; and Jared is out in the Field for training--he'll be home today. I bet it rained every day (plus hot and humid) he was out--I'm sure he had a lovely time--NOT! As he says: "My life sucks week".
I don't think people realize the situations they go through for training--they get the worst-case-scenario tossed at them to make the best of it. Not like a bunch of complaining is going to do them any good anyhow.
So I grit my teeth when everyday people complain about petty things that are nothing more than annoyances simply because they are spoiled.
Most of those folks don't know REAL hardship anyway...they just think they do. And that's my 2 cents for today! ;-)