For Our Troops......

For Our Troops......


Either you're searching for some information and stumbled across here, or already know me and are interested in what I/we do. :)

The dairy cow doesn’t ask for much, but she asks every day.
People who are creating wealth with a cow either are hardworking and reliable or get that way in a hurry. This is the way it has been for a very long time.
--Joann Grohman (Author of Keeping a Family Cow)

There are three kinds of people in this world:
Those who watch things happen,
Those who Make things happen,
or you can wonder what the hell happened.
--Captain Phil Harris (RIP)

A few of words of wisdom I have come across:

Choose not to just live within your means, but live within your needs.

If you don't want to be responsible for or defend yourself, please don't expect others to do it for you.

(My translation: Buck up and learn some skills!)

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best!

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the AmericanGovernment take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian."--Henry Ford

**~*~**Spread the word!**~*~**

Small Family Farms need our help when ludicrous charges have come up against them. Maybe someday it could be one of us on this "make an example out of you" chopping block.

Pushing back (via donations, interviews, getting the word out, etc) and standing up for what we believe in will send a clear message that we refuse to just roll over and give up!

When we know what we're fighting for, we fight harder--Sgt . Gary Stein (USMC)


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Friday, July 19, 2013

Hot and Humid Again

 Can you find Jared in here?  (Like, Where's Waldo?!)  There were 1,500 guys that all jumped the same day, more or less at the same time in June, then they were out in the Field for a week.
Talk about Organized Chaos!!  :)

I'm behind--I was sick the first of the month, then Patrick "caught" it.  I think being sick in the summer is worse than in the winter, only because I have more things to do/take care of!

Our July 3rd Celebration here was totally awesome, lasted an hour--that's ALOT of fireworks!  Patrick and I were not doing so well on the 4th-so stayed home.  We did swing by the annual Flea Market in the morning when it was cool(er) before I went to work, but came home empty handed.

Kyle and his GF came down for a couple of days and enjoyed the Independence Day festivities.  He is at Ft. Campbell (KY) for training now, and he doesn't get cell service.  So we message him on FB! ;)

Chandra celebrated her birthday yesterday, I guess they went to Cracker Barrel to eat, and Danielle (their neighbor-she's family!) made her a cake.  Glad her day was special since we couldn't be there!

The tomatoes are starting to ripen, and the biggest peach tree is laden with peaches, the branches are low.  Already the water bill is high, but I'll pay it to keep my food growing! 
The drought is creeping back, there are chances for rain the next week, but it keeps skirting us when it actually does rain.

I can not believe how fast the turkeys are growing!  Or Fillet the calf!  That is good!  Here I was worried about her not nursing on her own--um, yeah.  She snacks when she can, not just when it's feeding/milking time!  Amazing how much milk a calf will guzzle down, it's okay, it makes for some mighty fine tasting beef!

Nessa is making an udder--small, but it's growing.  She is due December 11, but I say "between Thanksgiving and Christmas"; because with heifers one never knows when they'll actually calve!  She has some looong legs on her, she's my tallest 'girl'.  We've been working on 'cow etiquette' for her, and now doesn't freak out when I fly-spray her.  She is slowly settling down, but does have her moments!

I heard the Cicadas July 3--so hopefully we won't have a frost until October 3.  Due to the cold Spring weather; and things were planted extra late this year, I'll take any delay of colder weather I can get!