For Our Troops......

For Our Troops......


Either you're searching for some information and stumbled across here, or already know me and are interested in what I/we do. :)

The dairy cow doesn’t ask for much, but she asks every day.
People who are creating wealth with a cow either are hardworking and reliable or get that way in a hurry. This is the way it has been for a very long time.
--Joann Grohman (Author of Keeping a Family Cow)

There are three kinds of people in this world:
Those who watch things happen,
Those who Make things happen,
or you can wonder what the hell happened.
--Captain Phil Harris (RIP)

A few of words of wisdom I have come across:

Choose not to just live within your means, but live within your needs.

If you don't want to be responsible for or defend yourself, please don't expect others to do it for you.

(My translation: Buck up and learn some skills!)

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best!

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the AmericanGovernment take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian."--Henry Ford

**~*~**Spread the word!**~*~**

Small Family Farms need our help when ludicrous charges have come up against them. Maybe someday it could be one of us on this "make an example out of you" chopping block.

Pushing back (via donations, interviews, getting the word out, etc) and standing up for what we believe in will send a clear message that we refuse to just roll over and give up!

When we know what we're fighting for, we fight harder--Sgt . Gary Stein (USMC)


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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Just back from NC

Grandson Tracy hamming it up wearing Daddy's Beret:
Patrick and I made a quick trip to North Carolina to help Jared and Chandra move their stuff into storage and them into an apartment.  The weather was *~*awesome*~*!!  How awesome you ask?  Oh, mid-to-upper 70's awesome! 
We even mowed their lawn!  And ate Krispy Kreme donuts twice...a total treat since I couldn't tell you where the closest one near here is!
It was super great to see them, but it was a bittersweet trip, I miss them all already!  Of course I have tons of photos, but Chandra sent me this one while we were on our way home.  It's my (current!) favorite. 
Jared had a jump a couple of weeks ago, and I ask y'all keep "the guys" in the forefront of your thoughts and prayers in the coming months.  Military families can't always say why, but doing what the Loved One is trained for is the hardest on us as a whole.  Please don't take Family, Friends or our way of living for granted.  Appreciate that we are able to live the way we do, remember that Freedom isn't Free! 
So we've had a day or so of rest from 1,300+ miles of driving one way, now back to normalcy.  Um, whatever that is! (HA)  Actually we drove there and back....but the return trip wore on me more, I think because we were already [literally] butt-tired from sitting on the way there.  We got lucky and hit the bigger cities at non-rush hours, so we breezed through them.  I know CAN drive that far (just did it!), but I didn't say I totally liked it!  ;-)
Got a phone call that Fillet got out a couple of times when a storm came up and freaked her out.  The fence has a patch on it for now, and I can not wait for the ground to thaw some so I can fix it correctly; which means I have to pound posts into the ground.  Maybe I can get it done in a couple of weeks--who knows, as we have another snow storm and arctic cold coming.  (Oh joy--NOT!!)
The snow I can handle, it's the bitter arctic cold that gets to me (and the critters).  I know soon spring will be here and this bitter winter will be a memory.  Gardening and plants are on my mind already!  :)  Thinking positive here:  Woo-hooo!
When we returned the rental car, we stopped by Kyle and his GF's apartment.  He's been doing plenty of Honor Guard duties (funerals for Veterans); while going to school, working and Drills.  He's always been "Mr. On-The-Go", it's just his nature.  His GF also goes to school and works, I don't know how they have time to see each other!  HA 
That's the update for now.  Think Spring!!  :) 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Winter remains, but Spring is coming (sometime!)

It's been slow, but yet hectic around here.  The fridge still isn't replaced (long story), Nessa and Dusty are now living in Oklahoma, my truck needs fixed again and the cold and snow still grips us.  We do have small 'warm up' reprieves, so it does help.

This is for Jared....thought he'd appreciate a patriotic Hello Kitty!  :)
And, as I looked at 'patriotic hello kitty' pictures online, don't know why, but I got a kick out of this one:
 (This one is either in time out and/or having issues or helping potty-train kiddos....not exactly sure how it ended up in that particular photo gallery online.....but I know we all feel like this at one time or another--ha)

With what is all has come on our plates for this year, I made the tough decision to sell Nessa.  Originally Dusty wasn't part of the original plan, but it just made things easier for her new Cow Mama to send him along, as she share-milks as well.  I get updates on how things are going, so that is pretty cool.

Daisy is still in milk, and Fillet is growing very well.  I made an appointment with the locker for June for Fillet.  Making appointments is easy....but in reality what leads up to that day isn't always that easy. The names we chose for certain animals is on purpose, it reminds us of "where" they will go eventually.  Lots of hard work, food/feed ($) and time go into the equitation.  It takes approximately 18 months of what goes into the "equitation" before the locker trip is made, and then another 2-3 weeks before you get to bring said meat home.

Slow Food isn't just a fad, its what makes food good.  Plants and animals take time to grow, and produce.  Instant gratification is only after weeks or months of work before you get that first ripe tomato, strawberry or steak.  But it makes one truly appreciate their food, because we know where it came from, how it was grown, and how much blood, sweat, tears and work it took to get it ready.  Seasonal eating at its best--when it is ripe and ready. 

People ask me over and over "do you still have horses?"  My reply generally is:  "No, now we either milk it or eat it."  People may find it crude, but it's honest and real.  I like horses, and at times miss riding.  But much of it has to do with economics, plus the fact that I don't have lots of land to keep one on anymore.  So whatever is out there eating hay needs to pay for itself one way or another.

Pat and I tried to fix my truck, thinking it was one issue, when he realized it was a major issue (the "new" slave cylinder--it's not that old!) so it needs taken in to the shop, we simply don't have the tools/resources to deal with dropping a transmission!  As for the fridge, it takes a certain height/width so I haven't looked very hard for a new(er) one.  Since it's cold out, it's easy keeping things cold in a cooler for now.  There's also the factor of:  there's only so much money to go around to fix things! (We must have Slow Money to go along with our Slow Food!)  giggle
Kyle had Drills this weekend, and he and his GF were down a week or so ago.  His cat always goes nuts when he's here, she misses him.  Hopefully they can find a new apartment that takes cats, she'd be in kitty heaven!  She IS entertaining.....but we get one or two of Jared and Chandra's kitties to "kitty-sit" for awhile anyhow.  Litter box duty....oh joy...maybe I should take stock in cat food and litter?!  HA

We call Jared and Chandra, and hear an occasional 'outburst' from Tracy in the background.  I miss them.   Chandra is good about posting stuff online with Tracy, so that helps--we all still get to "see" him and how much he's grown and what new he can accomplish. :)

Other than looking at seed catalogs, and the recent snows I haven't gotten much done.  There is fence I want to work on, but the ground is still too frozen.  I have had some time to catch up on some reading and research and talk to old friends.  I know all too well Spring is coming, and my "downtime" is limited.
I know the Strawberry bed will need to be expanded.....they don't take long to go crazy growing, but it's a tasty problem!  :)  I know the Blackberry patch needs thinning (I haven't forgot Omaha Dave!) and the Asparagus bed needs some serious weeding, but again, the work is worth the rewards.  I look forward to it all, even if I *think* I'm downsizing the garden this year.  (Um, lets see how THAT turns out!) HA