For Our Troops......

For Our Troops......


Either you're searching for some information and stumbled across here, or already know me and are interested in what I/we do. :)

The dairy cow doesn’t ask for much, but she asks every day.
People who are creating wealth with a cow either are hardworking and reliable or get that way in a hurry. This is the way it has been for a very long time.
--Joann Grohman (Author of Keeping a Family Cow)

There are three kinds of people in this world:
Those who watch things happen,
Those who Make things happen,
or you can wonder what the hell happened.
--Captain Phil Harris (RIP)

A few of words of wisdom I have come across:

Choose not to just live within your means, but live within your needs.

If you don't want to be responsible for or defend yourself, please don't expect others to do it for you.

(My translation: Buck up and learn some skills!)

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best!

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the AmericanGovernment take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian."--Henry Ford

**~*~**Spread the word!**~*~**

Small Family Farms need our help when ludicrous charges have come up against them. Maybe someday it could be one of us on this "make an example out of you" chopping block.

Pushing back (via donations, interviews, getting the word out, etc) and standing up for what we believe in will send a clear message that we refuse to just roll over and give up!

When we know what we're fighting for, we fight harder--Sgt . Gary Stein (USMC)


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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Never a dull moment......

I like same-o same-o days for the most part. OK, with a bit of excitement thrown in once in awhile.
Home is the same-o, work this week has been the excitement part.
Most of the time work is work, but this week has just been "one of those" kind of you can share in my chaos!

Friday night, a gal from out of town was in a hurry to get to the High School Basketball game to watch her son play. Not paying attention she managed to fill her half-empty gas tank with gas. Only she has a VW diesel car.....oopsy!

She didn't realize until she came into pay......I felt so bad for her (the look on her face: loss and desperation, like a lost puppy). I couldn't help but feel sorry for her (most would of just made fun of her or figured it was HER problem.....)
She went to call her husband, I told her NOT to start the car, just leave it sit where it was.

I called a mechanic, and they really didn't want to do help, gee, it WAS Friday closing time after all....low and behold the competition showed up (he was just getting gas minding his own business) and he graciously helped this lady. (Divine Intervention?!?) I'm not sure how it all turned out, but I gave her my phone number in case she needed anything. I didn't get a call, so no news is good news!
While talking to her (trying to keep her calmed down and chilled out, I really thought she was gonna start crying)....come to find out she went to my high school and graduated only a couple of years ahead of me.
Small world sometimes!

Saturday afternoon, Patrick stopped in after dropping Kyle off at work. I had him flag down a lady that thought her credit card paid at the pump....nope. Thank goodness he was there.....then Sat afternoon about dark, of course its busy, the weather is warmer, many are out and about shopping or going out to eat.
The phone rings and its the dispatcher. What?? It seems someone called 911 from the outside payphone, and they sent deputies (lights going on both cars of course). Oh I have a bunch of people wondering what is going on, asking me questions, I'm on the phone with the dispatcher sorting things out, and I'm also waiting on customers, keeping track of who has what fuel, answering the policeman's questions....I guess when it rains it pours.....

Maybe Sunday things will be "normal". I've had enough "excitement" for the last week! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Poor Lady, I have done that with a concrete cutter at work. Yikes!!
