For Our Troops......

For Our Troops......


Either you're searching for some information and stumbled across here, or already know me and are interested in what I/we do. :)

The dairy cow doesn’t ask for much, but she asks every day.
People who are creating wealth with a cow either are hardworking and reliable or get that way in a hurry. This is the way it has been for a very long time.
--Joann Grohman (Author of Keeping a Family Cow)

There are three kinds of people in this world:
Those who watch things happen,
Those who Make things happen,
or you can wonder what the hell happened.
--Captain Phil Harris (RIP)

A few of words of wisdom I have come across:

Choose not to just live within your means, but live within your needs.

If you don't want to be responsible for or defend yourself, please don't expect others to do it for you.

(My translation: Buck up and learn some skills!)

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best!

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the AmericanGovernment take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian."--Henry Ford

**~*~**Spread the word!**~*~**

Small Family Farms need our help when ludicrous charges have come up against them. Maybe someday it could be one of us on this "make an example out of you" chopping block.

Pushing back (via donations, interviews, getting the word out, etc) and standing up for what we believe in will send a clear message that we refuse to just roll over and give up!

When we know what we're fighting for, we fight harder--Sgt . Gary Stein (USMC)


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Monday, March 21, 2011

Its Officially Spring Woooo hoooooo

This is Elizabeth, one of my Great-nieces who lives in Texas. She is enjoying (eating) their spring flowers! :)

It is Spring--I'm excited! I thought I heard frogs Friday and Saturday after dark, Pat thought I was crazy. (Won't be the first time, nor last I'm afraid--HA!) As he was working on a lawnmower starter as it got dark, I told him to listen--yep he heard them too! I can also hear them this morning.

Sunday I put up my electric fence--Anna got zapped twice while investigating it and has left it alone since. Dolly just looks at it like "Oh not again!" :)

I got 5 eggs yesterday, the chickens are laying well. They are eating grass that is coming up in the pasture and are finding bugs already.

I mowed the Asparagus area earlier in the week and put some Epsom salts on the bed. I have grass that is taking it over---grrrr.

Pat got to 'talk' to Jared via FB the other day--he says Ft. Polk doesn't have alot to offer. He is playing one of the injured guys and likes to spit up fake blood to gross out the ones doing first aid. Due to his fake injury he is getting carried places from what I gather.

Kyle is still adamant about taking Basics this summer, even after talking to one of my co-workers who did that. (Bad idea he says for numerous reasons.) Jared is also discouraging him from doing it. Sigh....I guess he could be thinking about doing something else....good or bad! ;)
He played several times in the Copacabana Saturday nite. (Its a fundraiser for the school--they have Copa every year.) Here he is with his Trombone solo:

His solo was "Spanish Dance".


  1. Janene, We didn't quite have 70s here today, but 60s is also quite nice. I'm with you in that I'm glad that spring has finally arrived. I know there will be some cold days still but just knowing that the worst is over comforts me and makes me anxious to be outside digging in the garden dirt. I have many outside projects to get started and completed this year. I expanded my garden by two more 4X8 foot raised beds making total of five and will give me more room for tomatoes, peppers, and a whole bed just for cucumbers to make pickles for my grandson who lives here with me. His mom, Lydia, lives here as well.

    I hope all is well with you and your family. Have a great spring day.

  2. Hi Dave! I'm always super-impressed by your garden and ingenuity!
    Ohhhh-spoilin' the grandson with homegrown and homemade pickles, eh? You're a GOOD Grandpa!! :) (Better make extras for the other grandkids as well!!) ;-)
