We are to get more snow this afternoon. I was kindly alerted to the fact when Patricks' cell phone went off (beep-beep-beep!) at 4 am with a weather warning/alert/update. As I try to get back to sleep, another beep series as a reminder of a text message was there.....I gave up and got up.
(By the way, I got these photos of the snowflakes off of WeatherUndergrounds' awesome photo gallery.)
It has been chilly, altho Monday was a high of 44, melting my pathways enough to make them sheets of ice by the time the sun went down and it cooled off (fast I might add).
On a lighter note--the neighbor told her 4-year old he had a cowlick this morning. He mentioned he'd been to my house and "Dolly did it". :) Kids, you gotta love 'em!
Kyle quit his one job and will just work at Pizza Hut for now. (yeah!) Less for me and him to deal with.
Monday Patrick and his mom went to see Aunt Elenora. She is tired, but holding her own for now.
Jared got a TV given to him, so requested our "old" Xbox and some games. At least he won't be bored when he has time off!
I spent Monday working on laundry catch-up and cleaning out the fridge. The dogs and cats loved me! HA Then I'd created a monster load of "stuff" to wash from doing that. Oh well! I also got Jerky ready and started to dehydrate it. Won't last long around here! :)
A wonderful article I came across this morning from the Small Farmers' Journal.
Congo Farm Project-From Starvation to Sustainability